Software Testing

Praxwave Technologies is Software Test Consulting and Services company. We help our clients worldwide to plan their test investments and manage critical testing processes to reduce the total cost of producing quality software.

We are specialized in setting up end-to-end software test process and methodology to ensure highest level of test solution delivered to achieve customer satisfaction. We at Praxwave Technologies understand your business needs to bring effective combination of process and technology that ensures to hold a high quality tag in delivery of meeting requirements on time and within budget.

Today business success depends not only on error free applications but also on secured and smooth running applications. This can be assured only by well planned, well managed and effective functional and non-functional testing. Praxwave Technologies has well defined testing processes, experienced testing resources, proven track record and many success stories from satisfied clients across various domains and geographies. At Praxwave, we fully appreciate and understand the importance of testing services to our customers business and thereby provide end-to-end, cost-effective, high quality and comprehensive testing solutions of software applications and products with very quick turnaround.

Our Areas of Expertise
  • System testing
  • Integration testing
  • Interfaces testing
  • Functional testing
  • Website testing
  • Network testing
  • Security testing
  • Component and API testing
  • Cross browser testing